What's it about anyway?

This blog is going to contain a guided approach to building your and your family's health from the earth up.

In addition to food and physical health, no one can be truly free and happy without some form of spiritual advancement.  So included here will be earth to ether, root chakra to crown, body, mind and spirit.  And of course that includes lifestyle and increasing meaning in our life.

I am a Muslim but you don't have to be a muslim to find meaning here.  Why? because its all about humanity, health, thoughts, living and above all progressing in every aspect of our life.

It will contain references from the Holy Quran, traditions from our Holy prophet (may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) and references and explanations from science (benefits of a certain food, nutritional information that is practical and understandable to everyone who can read) and recipes showing many ways to prepare these natural ingredients because that's so often the problem.  We sometime know what to eat but don't quite know how to incorporate it into our life so we begin enthusiastically buying all these ingredients and then we give up because of time, life or just consequences of following a program that we cant keep up.

This is a very holistic site.  I believe in holistic medicine and as I mentioned before was heavily into it a few years back.  Everything from chakra healing, Reiki, Therapeudic touch, ear candling, reflexology, herbology, homeopathy, and I have to mention right now my favorites Crystal healing and even more subtle on the energy alignment: essence healing.  So I may from time to time post links to other areas of heath information such as Ayurveda, the chakras, Feng shui (because where and how we live affects how we feel) and just feel good images of nature to help us stay connected.  I'll also be including wisdoms, philosophies and quotes from different places that pertain to life style and healthy living because after all we eat to live not the other way around.

I want to mention here that I am in no way an expert on any of the above but I have made them all a part of my life at some point or another but since I was still looking for the basics, they sort of left my practices.  These philosophies are great and true but without the correct foods, or understanding we can not attain complete health.  We have to go back to the basic.  Where did it all start and where do we begin?

Back to the recipes for a moment (I do this often by the way).  They will be a mix of all cuisines because we need variety in order to stick to anything and they will include anything that is appropriate in that category, whether from the web, my own favorites (often from my mother) or even sometimes just something that fits in  that I picked up through the years.
