The journey begins


Thank you for dropping by.  I'm hoping in this blog to answer some of the questions both for you all and for myself concerning the best possible way to eat and live that builds health from the most essentials to the most beauty enhancing ingredients.  My quest and challenge with food and health  has been going on for years now and although food is only the most basic and perhaps essential part of health, without the right food in our system no matter what other amazing, and enlightened practices we add to our life, no matter what good energies we send out or exercise programs we incorporate the food is the fuel.  Health is a journey, its ongoing and progressive from the root chakra to the crown its all one.

Let me back track.  I've gone back and forwards between being an enthusiastic cook and a resentful one for years now, which when you have three hungry boys waiting for food, one of those being a teenager never really being full no matter how I try to stock up on everything I thought I needed, and my middle son a real picky eater who perhaps he'll feel like eating what I spent two hours preparing or perhaps not. This left me often feeling less than enthusiastic because what's the point of all the time and way too much money being spent when there's never enough or it winds up being fed to our chicken - which is ok but they can just as well eat something more basic.

So I searched my inner depths to find an answer since I had no idea how to find that answer on google.  I mean, what am I supposed to search under? I knew how to cook in a whole variety of languages because of my International travels as a child and young adult, that coupled with a German mother who made everything herself from cheese, to wholesome German sourdough bread full of walnuts, grains and seeds not to mention the excellent German cheese cakes and waffles and sophisticated Indian curries and biryanis that she would make to satisfy my Pakistani father's accustomized tasted buds. In addition to that, I also had as good an idea about health as the next person having studied alternative healing, herbology, reflexology, nutrition, reiki etc and my late father holding two Phd certificates in the philosophy of alternative healing and accupuncture.  
Growing up we rarely visited a traditional Dr. to recieve a prescription for household drugs or anything of the like.  In fact if my friends needed advice on health issues regarding their families they would call me and usually knew what to do after having advised them on household remedies or my own experience and research and my own children by the grace of God have not visited a Dr. except one time 13 years ago when I came home with homeopathic remedies and never had a problem since.

But something for me was missing, there was a missing link.  I  was looking for a certainty that whatever I was doing was actually working and that I was progressing and not just haphazardly improving my family's health.  One thing that I did have certainty about was that I would find my answers.   

The second issue that stqrted me looking for answers was the economic sittuation in the world and the imbalance of food.  I'm currently living in Iran and of course you are well aware of the sanctions imposed on the country.  Food prices like everything else has sky rocketed and although we are not short of income, I wonder about those who are financially less fortunate than our family.  I found myself questioning that if we will all we spend on what I believe is healthy food, how do those earning often half the amount eat healthy meals and stay full.  There are two answers. 

1. They don't

2. There is a better way than what I and most others whom I have spoken are putting into practice.

I believe in the equality of all human beings to obtain knowledge, live comfortable (not luxuriously) and above all fed to health  so I know that God has not left the answers out of the program.

My search began.  I began searching in the place I always begin never to come out disappointed.  You see, the internet and books have often sent me in circles looking for my answers.  Firstly, because I could not always put my finger directly on the question (which is the problem with most people) and secondly, because I did not find anywhere anything that satisfied my often perfectionistic mind of a building blocks approach which would give me the certainty I needed.

What was that place?

The Holy Quran - the answer to all and every problem.  I began to find my answers, answers that I could put into practice straight away without having to go too deeply into anatomy, or cooking instructions.  It was very simple and guided and above all can be proven just by taking the answers back to science.  I'll take you on the journey from the basics right here to show you that you too can have variety, taste, health and beauty without stress or spending heaps of cash or spending ours in the kitchen.  I hope you will enjoy the journey as much as I am.

I no longer enter the kitchen not knowing where to begin, requiring recipe books or extra resources, or walk into the supermarket spending way to much money on odds and ends and then not having what are the basics to good health.  

I also no longer worry about whether I have given these children all the nutrition they need to grow, think, study, play well and above all be happy.  I have reached a strong certainty that my children are doing find and will be happy and successful (at least as far as the food is concerned.

I begin with the Quran but where it ends.....well you will just have to wait and see but one thing is for sure.  You are going to look and feel great and guilt free.  

This is not a measureing the fats or calories program, neither is it something that you may want to give up - that only happens when you are not sure that what you are doing is actually working.  This is pure common sense, scientific logic.  Simple and above all practical.

One more word.  This blog is just starting up so please do drop back to see the progress.  The development is going to be an interesting one.  And please, if there are any questions you have concerning anything you find - just ask, I'm a pretty down to earth, freindly person that loves to help wherever she can.

And if you just want to drop me a line to say you've been here and you hate the blog or love it.  Please do.  I'd love to know you.

Well, I hope you'll stick around.

